An easy step to start your program.
  1. Info Capture
  2. Review Information
  3. Verify Payment

Step 1: Fill Out The Fields

STEP 1 of 4

Welcome to Animo Education & Counseling

Let's start with some basic information...

Valid first name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Valid DOB is required.
Please enter number.
Please enter your address.
City name required.
Please provide a valid state.
Please select a valid county.
Zip code required.
Please select a valid Race.
Please select a valid language.
Please select a valid gender.
Please enter a valid email address.
SSN is required.
Valid number is required.

Let's with program information...

Please select a valid program
Select the date and time your program starts.
April 29 – May 5, 2024
Please call at 817-274-3983 and let us know the schedule that you are looking for, we work very hard to help you find an option for you.
field is required
Class start date is required
Enter a valid number of hours
Please check this box to continue.

About the incident

This Field is required
Example: Driving While Intoxicated
City name required.
Please provide a valid state.
Please select a valid county.
* City, State and County where you had the incident

Who is asking you to do this program?

Select an option from the list
This field is required
Please provide a valid state.
Please select a valid county.

Emergency Contact

is required